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TurboTax Electronic efile, e-file

Get Your Refund Fast: Efile Your Taxes with TurboTax Efile

TurboTax Efile - Federal and State Tax Filing

Here’s how efile works:

Start your return and when your finished you'll be prompted to efile with TurboTax E-File.

The moment the IRS starts accepting returns, TurboTax will submit your return by efiling it with the IRS. The IRS will confirm receipt by e-mail within 48 hours so that you know the submission was a success.

IRS records show that nearly 80 million people filed their taxes electronically in 2007, thus improving accuracy and saving time.

With TurboTax efile, you may get your refund quicker than ever.

How much does Turbo Tax efile cost?

Federal CD/Downloads: There is no additional cost to efile. Efiling your federal tax return for personal and business taxes is included with the cost of your CD/downloaded Turbo Tax product.

Federal and State Online: Free TurboTax efile is included with your Return

We work hard to supply you with tools, tips and advice to help you with your taxes and tax preparation all year-round, and best of all, it's FREE.

Use our BestTaxSoftware.Com site and all the helpful information contained herein to gain a foothold on retaining more of your hard earned dollars. We have documented time saving tips and information on how you can understand your taxes better, thus giving you the knowledge to maximize your deductions and keep more money for yourself.